How to go on when you have already won everything

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How to keep going


As some of you may be suspecting, I can only say that you are right again… This post is about Serena Williams (Nooo!! Again?? Why??). Yes, she is again my source of inspiration to write this post, especially today, when she has won again the Australian Tennis Open. And why Serena? just because I cannot imagine a better example of someone who keeps fighting in the court (this can also be applied to an office) when you think there is (barely) nothing new you can win.

In this post, I just want to highlight three quick tips for all those who think they have found an earlier end to their professional career, those who think they have already seen everything in their sector and those who, somehow, are no longer motivated about their current career.

  • Passion: the key to achieve the peak and the main factor to keep performing at a high level. If you are passionate about what you are doing, no matter how many prizes or recognitions you may has achieved, there is a steady inner willing that makes you go on and on. Change is a constant feature of today´s time, so even if you are one of a kind in your industry, you cannot take for granted that you will keep being so tomorrow. So, the devotion you process to your work will make you always a crucial asset at your company and/or sector.
  • Curiosity: even though you can already be great at something, being curious and intrigued about new trends, new ways to perform quicker and better and to know how well or bad our competitors are doing is the second value needed to stay longer on the top. Therefore, you must keep with you this basic principle: as long as you feel attracted by the constant new promising innovations and tools you are on the right path.
  • Generosity: the third tip goes hand-in-hand with the previous two. Once you love your work and are curious enough to start your own researches it usually emerges the desire to share your knowledge and skills with others. And teaching is the best way to remember and strengthen your abilities. Furthermore, seeing how your colleagues get better at some points provides you with a feeling of pride and confidence that will keep you, and consequently your company, with the aim to excel at what you do.

Apart from these three tips, are there any others that you are missing in this post?


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